Breeders: Attack of the Pod People!


Dr. Lucy Lauren is the biology member of the containment task-force at Birmingham University. A strange meteor is reported in the Peak District, seemingly a sealed scorched plant pod of extraterrestrial origina,
she is dispatched along with her colleagues from the physics and chemistry departments to investigate the incident. Probably it is pranksters again – her own students pulled a fake landing last year. But once on-site she sets up her incident lab and starts collecting samples. The pod itself still seems sealed, but certain … ichors have been leaking out, thick cloudy liquids are found dripping from flower stamens and growth of sucker and tendrils are on a par with the height of spring growth spurt, not the depths of mid-winter.

In the evening Dr. Lauren is examining her notes again. What IS that reaction between the strange slime and haemoglobin? Unseen by the blonde scientist, outside in the darkness the pod shivers, cracks, splits open… and the hermaphrodite embodiment of the alien plant pod people steps forth! It can sense the living, breathing warmth within the incident lab, and it does what its biology programs it to do – capture, conquer and BREED!



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