Dr. East’s Elixir

  BUY THIS SET   Lucy and Zoe were driving through the countryside – hopelessly lost. No phone signal, no Google Maps, no satnav. The night was drawing in and they were perilously low on

Completing The Circle

  BUY THIS SET   Faye is a writer who has hired a country cottage for a month so she can finish her latest novel. The house is quite empty, just a few curios around,

Playing The Devil’s Tune

  BUY THIS SET   Marchioness Zoe is so damn bored. Parties are a chore, suitors as facile, stupid little men, business is unspeakably dull and the only brief flickers of entertainment in her life

Location Shoot March 2024

  We had a very successful location shoot with Faye Taylor, Zoe Page, Lucy Lauren and Steve. We intended to shoot mostly RE glamour bondage stuff with Lucy, but she turned out to be a

Frau Frankenstien’s Fiendish Folly

  BUY THIS SET   A trip to the early 1970’s today for a Hammer-style spin-off. Frau Docktor Frankenstein (Scarlett Foxett, playing a *lady* doctor, don’t you know, this is all very liberated) has invented

Video Nasty

  BUY THIS SET   Today’s horror is a slice of classic 1980’s straight-to-video horror. Babysitter Scarlett Foxett is all alone in the huge lounge of the house scaring herself silly with creepy old films.

Lesbian Vampire Exploitation

  BUY THIS SET: PART ONE BUY THIS SET: PART TWO   An investigative reporter has gone deep underground into the leather and lesbian scene in New York, armed only with a Pentax SLR and

The Scarecrow (Black And White Edit)

  BUY THIS SET   As well as the gore-soaked regular edit, I prepared a black and white version of The Scarecrow which I think has an appeal all of its own.   BUY THIS

The Scarecrow

<p><a href="https://tinyurl.com/2zxzx5ds">BUY THIS SET</a> Step into the eerie world of the 1970s with "The Scarecrow," a bone-chilling horror film that will send shivers down your spine.</p>